so...today I used my homemade washing detergent. Here's the skinny:
IF you decide to double your recipe like I did........DOUBLE YOUR WATER AS WELL!
I didn't and when I went to use it, all three jugs were a thick, nearly solid mass of goo!

Soooooo, I decided to divide one of the containers I was going to open into TWO containers by squeezing out half of one container and adding water to fill the rest of the container. I did this with both the halves. So, now I have more detergent than what I started with; which I am fine with.
Ok, then I decided to see how it did with the clothes. I washed two loads so far and they came out "ok" I guess. No better or worse than a commercial detergent, but substantially cheaper.
anyway, I don't know if using organic soap would make a difference with the consistency of the detergent or not. Once I get through these batches I will try organic soap and see if it has a better consistency than this.
However you decide to do it, SHAKE WELL BEFORE USING!

I am wearing freshly laundered duds right now. They smell clean they look clean the fuel way to go baby!
Feel clean. ....
Oh no! I never would have thought of it thickening.
Smart thinking dividing it and watering it down. When I saw the title to the post I was worried you were invaded my bubbles.
hahaha. Now THAT would have been a disaster! I would have had to write another post entitled "Don't Do It!" haha
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