Thursday, September 13, 2012

Dinner and a "Slight" Night Ride....

After spending the day with computer issues, packing, and a measurable amount of "putting out fires"...I needed to get out of the house and was glad we had an invitation to join up with some folks that we love very much......Since I had not been on "Ms Vickey" in a few days, I was feeling like I should take her out at least one or two more times before confining her to a trailer for 6 days of travel......So, we headed out on our bikes to see our friends...:-)

After Scootard got the bikes uncovered, we discovered that the street cats had been sleeping under our cover again.  I guess even "homeless cats" like to have some protection from sun during the day and cold during the nights.....

 For some reason, they like to accummulate "stuff" on MY seat....I mean what are they doing, carrying this stuff on their paws??? 

After tending to that, we got on our way.  The ride was nice as the wind was not howling like it often does in the afternoon.  But, it did feel a bit shakey to me as I had not been on in a few days. I felt just a bit stressed as I don't ride every day like some..

We made it to the home of our host and then it hit me........I'M ALIVE!!!  hahah  That wasn't so bad after a three week "sit out".  whoo hooo!!

 We had a great dinner of prime rib, mashed potatoes, and carrots with dill......yum....Do you know what was left on my plate.....?



Sooooo, I forgot to take a pic of that award winning meal..., but you get the drift, right? 
We pealed ourselves away from the table and retired to the living room where we would be keeping company with this guy...... 

yep....  "Bullwinkle"!......How'd you like to wear that on your head all day??  Interesting fellow even though he didn't add much to our conversation.....just not as sociable as the rest of us I guess....

after a superb dinner and some very good conversation, we decided to head home as we were losing light.......The trip was pleasant and quiet...(ear plugs help, trust me!), and the sun was setting fast!  We made it just before complete sunset. Scootard started locking the bikes together again as is his habit.

I started putting my stuff know us girls seem to always have "stuff" no matter how we are traveling....

I mean once the sun slipps behind the moutains, it can get dark in an instant!  So, I was trying to hurry as we have lots of tree roots to avoid on the path the leads to our home...

See what I mean?!  Holy Moly!  Can't see nothing but my reflective strips...

Well, home again and looking forward to the next trip with "Ms Vickey" and Scootard as my "experienced chaperone"....:-)  Thanks, honey....:-)


Pastor Chris said...

With you as my riding companion I will go anywhere, anytime. A great dinner and a fun ride. And no dishes to wash. Thank God for generous friends and prime rib.........Mmmmmmmmmmm.

Galbinus_Caeli said...

Sounds like a lovely evening.

Trobairitz said...

Nice new header pic.

Sounds like you had a good ride. Any ride to eat is a good ride isn't it?

I like how your gear reflects in the camera flash, at least you know you are visible when car headlights shine on you.

AprilB. said...

lovely! so glad you got to get out and around. Always nice to decompress! Moose are generally quiet. So unless they're bugling or clashing horns you might not hear them. In this case tho, Quiet seems to be the order of the day, month, year...etc!!!

Tripping Sister! said...

spoke like a true....."you"! hahaha.....:-)

Tripping Sister! said...

It was a very nice evening.....nothing like good company and a pleasant ride.....:-)

Tripping Sister! said...

Nothing wrong with riding and eating! ha

yes, it is good to know that others can in fact see me at night. I have only ridden a dusk once before and was shocked to see that my instrument panel was neon green! haha. I got to see that again on the way home last night...:-). And my lights are bright too. I noticed some riders have complained of their lights being too low and having to change the bulbs from stock to something more efficient. I guess you don't really get to see some of these things if you only ride in day light.

Tripping Sister! said...

hahahahahah......I have never seen a living one, but this guy's head is enormous! I mean it had to be 2-3 feet across.....

Can you imagine having a head that big!...AND what the body that is usually behind it looks like?

Unknown said...


MMMM, Prime Rib and a ride. But Skootard's casserole the other morning didn't look bad either. You are getting spoiled.

Put mothballs on your seats. I think that will keep the cats away

Riding the Wet Coast
My Flickr // My YouTube

Tripping Sister! said...

yeah, spoiled...that's me! haha

Moth balls! Then I will stink every time I get off my bike....hahahaha...I see how that might actually work to repel.....everything!...ha

Martha said...

Do not put mothballs on your seat. That garbage is highly toxic to every living thing including your backside.

The debris no doubt comes from long fur. And it would seem that the cat is "nesting" under the shrubs in the mulch also. It has its habits and timing. Something with strong peppermint or eucalyptus would keep the cat out. Nothing cruel or toxic like mothballs.

Unknown said...


we used to put mothballs at the base of our trees, and that kept the dogs away. Also pepper works too, just blow it away when you get on.

Riding the Wet Coast
My Flickr // My YouTube

Unknown said...


Oh Oh, forget what I said, listen to Martha the Guru.

Riding the Wet Coast
My Flickr // My YouTube

Tripping Sister! said...

I do have the natural oils that you mentioned, Martha. Never thought of that. I have a large bottle (all natural, no additives) that I use when I get stuffy. I hope the cats don't "enjoy" the aromatherapy as much as I do! ha

Martha said...

You know it, bOb.

Patricia, you are on the right track! Let's see what happens!

Tripping Sister! said...

But I wonder if I should dilute it with some water or something....don't want their little noses to fall off...ha. That stuff can be potent and when I use it, it is always mixed with olive or tea tree as well...

just wondering. Also, I don't want it to eat through the cover of my seat which is vinyl.

Martha said...

No, don't use tea tree. That's toxic to cats. Just use a few drops on a small cloth. If you dilute it won't be a deterrent. And you can always use a large jar lid, too. That would work.

Tripping Sister! said...

A jar lid?? haha......ummmmm You gotta explain that one to me, please....:-)

We want to do this today. I think it will help also when we return from our trip not to have muddy paw prints on our seats every time we go to ride. The rains are coming and we have often had to wipe the mud off the seats before we rode if the sun happen to come out that day.

Anonymous said...

I think she means putting the liquid or wet cloth in an upside down jar lid, to hold it. Anything open like that could get tipped over, so make sure whatever it is isn't harmful to animals that would drink it or to your scooter if if gets tipped over. Debris on the cat fur is the only way I can think of for that stuff to end up on your seat, unless it is another rodent type critter carrying it and intending to make a nest. Have a great time on your trip! (I know you will!) Deb

Martha said...

Deb is correct! The lid is the container. If this doesn't work the first time, keep at it. The cat (we are assuming!)will realize that the seat is not the best place to be anymore and move on. To someone else's seat???

Don't use a lot, by the way. Just a few drops is enough.

Tripping Sister! said...

ok, I will try that. We usually have them parked together and Chris (Scootard) has the same thing keeps happening to his too. Little feet print. Once we were taking the cover off; it's actually an ATV cover that is adequate for them both, and out from under it bolted a long haired grey cat. Then another time we caught an orange Tabby hopping up on the seat. Chris had pulled the bikes in front so that we could wash them. I managed to snap a picture of that one! haha

Anyway, we are leaving this Friday to start our 6 day journey pulling them both to the states with us. We have another home there. I don't think we will have the problem there. But if we do, I know how to handle it now! Thanks for all of the advice!